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It means the world to me that you would take time out of your day to visit the Blog! My hope is that these writings would give you some insight on how to lead as effectively as possible.

Learnings from our Leaders

Learnings from our Leaders

Life has a way of moving along with or without our permission. It seems like just last summer I was fishing in Canada with my Grandpa. I remember one of our trips when we had one of our best nights of fishing in my life. We were out in the little jon boat together, just the two of us, waiting patiently when suddenly everything changed. The fish started biting as if they wanted nothing more than to be with us. We caught one after another until our lines were full and we were called in for dinner. The photo of us with our fish together from that night is one I will forever cherish. I think what I loved most about that night was watching my Grandpa full of excitement as he brought those fish in. I loved seeing him happy.

My grandpa taught me determination, perseverance and patience and most of all taught me how important it is to always give to others. He helped mold my personal belief that we are put here on this planet to help others. It is because of him and others in my family that I try to spend every day as if it was my last day and never miss an opportunity to bless another.

Our patriarchs in our family have so much to teach us. I was blessed to have my Grandpa believe that his job was to bless me.

Leadership, Lessons Learned Along the Way

Leadership, Lessons Learned Along the Way