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It means the world to me that you would take time out of your day to visit the Blog! My hope is that these writings would give you some insight on how to lead as effectively as possible.

How to Determine Priorities

How to Determine Priorities

Imagine the most gratifying day you have had and now imagine every day being just like that one. It is possible to make every day your best day if you know how to set priorities. We all know there is only so much time in a day. We thought as children our biggest roadblock would be money and the older we get we realize it is really time. There are so many demands on our life at home, at work, at church and more. How do we determine what to do with our time?

One of my favorite books that deal with this topic is “First things First” by Steven Covey. In his book he describes how important it is to determine what our goals in life are and then how important it is to let our life be governed by our compass not the clock. If we do not take the time to determine our “main thing” we will be unable to set our priorities in a way that enables us to have our best day every day.

My priorities line up like this: God first then family then my employees followed by my patients. My goal in life is to change peoples lives for the better each and every day. I cannot help others until I help myself. My day has to start out by renewing my mind and then I can be in a place mentally and emotionally to help others. If my priority is to change peoples lives for the better I know I must spend my time wisely every day to create opportunities to make this happen.

I am better equipped to help others when my family is taken care of. I am better equipped to help my patients when I have a team of employees that are given the tools and resources to be the best they can be and patients are happier when all of us are working in sync to accomplish our goals.

Determine your priorities and then spend time daily renewing your mind. Spend time and money on improving yourself so you can better enable your team to help others.

When the Doctor is the Patient

When the Doctor is the Patient

Leadership, Lessons Learned Along the Way

Leadership, Lessons Learned Along the Way